Cara Black | Night Flight to Paris

Night Flight to Paris

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October 1942: it’s been two years since Kate Rees was sent to Paris on a British Secret Service mission to assassinate Hitler. Since then, she has left spycraft behind to take a training job as a sharpshooting instructor in the Scottish Highlands. But her quiet life is violently disrupted when Colonel Stepney, her former handler, drags her back into the fray for a risky three-pronged mission in Paris.

Each task is more dangerous than the next: Deliver a package of forbidden biological material. Assassinate a high-ranking German operative whose knowledge of invasion plans could turn the tide of the war against the Allies. Rescue a British agent who once saved Kate’s life—and get out.

Kate will encounter sheiks and spies, poets and partisans, as she races to keep up with the constantly shifting nature of her assignment, showing every ounce of her Oregonian grit in the process.

Historical fiction

Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Soho Crime

ISBN: 978-1641293556


Word Count: 101100 words

Length: 337 pages

Language: English

Release Date: March 7, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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November 27, 2023
Character Development

Marvelous details, ypu hold your breath until Kate escapes. You can visualize every corner of Paris. Cairo is just as real.

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