Grace Reilly | Wicked Serve

Wicked Serve

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Hockey is my life, and I need to make this last season count. But when I’m forced to transfer to rival school McKee University for my senior year, I risk pissing off the captain, who happens to be the older brother of Isabelle Callahan: the gorgeous beam of sunshine I messed around with in secret this summer.

Rekindling our fling could risk her brother icing me off the team—not to mention the fact that my scarred past makes having a real relationship impossible—and yet the moment I see Isabelle again, all my wild, burning feelings come rushing back.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Avon

ISBN: 978-0063387140


Word Count: 134400 words

Length: 448 pages

Language: English

Release Date: August 13, 2024

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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