Über Uns HypeBunch

HypeBunch is a social media platform which connects Authors, Creators, Freelancers, and Readers around the world. It's an inclusive platform for finding ideas, content, and people worth HYPING!

There's no more reason not to connect as an author and a reader anymore! Believe us, there's at least one person in this world who wants to read and listen to your story, fictional or otherwise! Hope you find that person here!

Take Book Pages to the next Level  

Yes, that's right.. We refuse to believe a book page is just book description, a cover and recent reviews.

On HypeBunch, Authors get to add 5 Additional Awesome Things to a Book Page - Page Turners, Book Trivia, Main Characters, Book Trailers and Series Overview.

As a Reader, you can add Fan Art, Video Testimonials, Page Turner Events in the book, Rate Characters, Detailed Reviews and lots more. 

As a creator, your hype bunch are your existing clients, or the people who love your work, your portfolio admirers and your next client.

When you say 'HypeBunch', what exactly do you mean? 

Your Hype Bunch (like a Hype Team), are your loyal fans, followers, friends and critics on HypeBunch App!

Just a bunch of people with different interests except one. - Admiration for you and your content!

It's up to you now to keep them entertained and glued to their seats, or your hype bunch won't be as effective and strong as others! 

So, I create my hype bunch on HypeBunch? 

YES! As an author, your hype bunch aren't strangers. They fell in love with the world you created in your books, they love the lessons you (try to) impart and they can't wait to read your next work!

If you ever need someone to hype you up, look no further than your hype bunch (yes you get to give them a cool name once you register as an author.)

A person can only HYPE / FOLLOW 500 Authors (+5000 Readers and Creators) at one time, so you might need to bring your A-Game to get their loyalty on HypeBunch! 

Do you have a Library? 

You're goddamn right!

Discover new, popular and upcoming books across 50+ genres, and instantly add them to your reading list! Your reading list lets your followers know what books are you reading, and how you've rated those books!

 Find the world's next best Author in the halls of HypeBunch Library! 

Can I use HypeBunch to create stunning media?  


To make your content awesome, use Amazing Filters via HypeBunch Camera as well as HypeBunch Creator! Create Stunning Videos, Stories, Covers, Graphics and lots more.

Over 100+ filters, 200+ fonts and 500+ templates are at your disposal.

It's time to get creative. 

Do you have contests?  

Authors and Creators (e.g. Cover Designers, Editors etc.) can participate in Monthly Competitions organized by HypeBunch as well as other qualified users!

Users can vote for their favorite entries directly from the app. Competitions won by a person are visible on their HypeBunch profile! #Brag #Authentic

Winners get HypeBunch points, Badges and Visibility to say the least! 

Anything more?

Participate in ARCs, Live Virtual Session - Get and Subscribe to latest ARCs. If you're a diligent reviewer, your chances of getting an ARC immediately gets a boost!

- HypeDome: Live 1-on-1 Interaction Session between Authors and Fans. Sort of like a convention! Join Amazing Book Clubs! Get on popular reading lists, get latest book recommendations, interact with fellow fans, participate in AMAs and lots more!

 There's literally a world out here in HypeBunch.

We could talk more about it, but we'll allow you to discover it yourself now! 

What else! 

Oh, did we forget to mention about Polls, Freelancer Portfolios, 24 hr Moods, Blogs, Book Signings, Testimonials, Announcements, Badges, Profile Stats, Interviews, Chat, Goal Tracking and a Marketplace?

Whew! We'll be here forever if I keep talking. Discover HypeBunch yourself, it's not right that I HYPE it so much! (Get it? LOL)

Any query? Head over to FAQs in Settings or just drop a message at @hypebunch or @aman !!