Diablo 4 What to Do After Conquering the Story - A Guide to the Endgame

Players will be introduced to a vast world in Diablo 4, which is made up of several regions, as well as a larger story that is told in several Acts and takes place across the open world of Sanctuary

Players will be introduced to a vast world in Diablo 4, which is made up of several regions, as well as a larger story that is told in several Acts and takes place across the open world of Sanctuary. There is a lot more content waiting for you in the Post Game regardless of whether you rush through the story or take your time and explore the optional dungeons and side quests before facing Lilith and completing the main story. However, it may not be immediately obvious where all of the new features and challenges are hiding.

We have all of the essential information you'll need to begin the grind toward level 100 and becoming the most powerful adventurer in the land, so it doesn't matter where or when you start these new adventures; we've got it covered. After completing the game's primary storyline, you will have access to a variety of exciting new features, some of which are detailed below.

The Tree That Hears Whispers
The Tree of Whispers will make an appearance during your time spent playing through the main storyline of Diablo 4, but it will continue to have a role to play even after the campaign has concluded. It will become a recurring source of increased experience gain and loot that you can take part in again and again.

Following the conclusion of the story, the Tree of Whispers will offer a number of different bounties, which may include anything from dungeon bosses to world bosses and even more. You will be rewarded with Grim Favors if you are successful in completing them, and when you have accumulated ten of them, you can go back to the tree and select one of several rewards that can be very beneficial to you. Just keep in mind that there is a time limit on these bounties, so don't abandon any of them halfway through! You can find even more helpful hints and information in our guide to the Tree of Whispers.

Gaining Paragon Points
Even though you are not required to have finished the main story in order to make use of this feature, it is highly likely that you will have reached level 50 after completing all of the Main Acts. Once your character reaches level 50, the Paragon Board will become accessible to them, granting them additional personalization options outside of their primary skills. Every board has a variety of different types of tiles, and these tiles can offer anything from a simple boost to an existing stat to an entirely new Legendary Power.

After reaching this point, you will begin to earn Paragon Points whenever you level up, and you will be able to build your Starting Board toward one of eight additional Paragon Boards, each of which offers a unique set of benefits. You should make sure to spend some time carefully scanning the board in order to plan your priority list, as the skills you use may have a significant impact on the direction in which you choose to build out. Check out our explainer on Paragon Points and Boards for even more helpful hints regarding planning.

Capstone Dungeons
If you thought the story of Diablo 4 was finished after the conclusion of the third and final Act, you were wrong. Capstone Dungeons are a new type of difficult dungeon event that was introduced in Diablo 4, and they can only be tackled once your character has reached a certain level of overall power. You'll be able to gain access to these respective difficult Dungeons and their Bosses when you reach level 50, level 75, and level 100, respectively.

Not only are Capstone Dungeons necessary for the continuation of the story, but they are also essential for gaining access to new content and features that would otherwise remain unavailable. You can only increase the World Tier Difficulty and gain access to more difficult challenges and features that won't appear otherwise if you complete the first Cathedral of Light Capstone Dungeon in particular, which is only available at level 50. This dungeon is only accessible to players who have reached level 50.

Bringing the World Tier up to a higher level
Depending on how quickly you wanted to finish the story, it's possible that you finished the main Acts on World Tier 1, or you may have increased the difficulty of the adventure by moving it up to World Tier 2 in Kyovashad's World Tier Statue for a chance at more experience and loot. The situation is only going to become more challenging from here on out, but you can't just flip a switch to make the risks and rewards higher.

Instead, in order to access the Nightmare difficulty of World Tier 3, you will need to complete the first Capstone Dungeon, which becomes available once the player reaches level 50, and you will need to do so while playing on Tier 2's difficulty. This is the only way to bring about new events, such as the Nightmare Sigils and Helltide Events, as well as the only way to increase your chances of acquiring new tiers of loot, such as Sacred and Unique Items. In order to progress to World Tier 4, which is an even more difficult difficulty level, you will need to complete the second Capstone Dungeon at level 75 while you are still on World Tier 3! You look over our guide to all of the World Tier Bonuses and Challenges that are available.

Helltide Events
Large swaths of the open world in Diablo 4 will play host to demonic invasions, which is one of the more alluring events unlocked by World Tier 3's difficulty mode. This will turn areas into dangerous zones marked in red on your map for an hour every so often, and in different parts of the world. Your objective while the game is active is to fend off as many demons as possible and take part in Events in order to acquire rare materials that cannot be found anywhere else.

New items, such as Forgotten Souls, Fiend Roses, and Abberant Cinders, can be obtained from enemies that you vanquish, chests that you open, and plants that you harvest. These new items are extremely important for upgrading your best gear to become even better. You can find additional information on how to make the most of your time in these areas by consulting our Helltide World Event Guide.

Perhaps even more significant is the presence of a large number of unique chests that can be found only in Helltides and are referred to as Tortured Gifts. These will require the Abberant Cinders that you earn from completing events in a Helltide in order to purchase, but they can provide you with superior equipment. The most desirable are the Helltide Mystery Chests known as the Tortured Gift of Mysteries. These Helltide Mystery Chests have a chance to spawn in a few different locations across each Helltide Zone.

Dungeons of Nightmare and Mysterious Glyphs
The ability to acquire Nightmare Sigils and progress through the extremely challenging Nightmare Dungeons is the final significant feature that becomes available upon reaching World Tier 3. When these Sigils begin to fall from the sky, you'll discover that each one is associated with a particular dungeon somewhere in the world. In addition, each Sigil comes with a list of various positive and negative modifiers that will come into play when you complete the Nightmare difficulty level of the dungeon. For further information, be sure to have a look at our Nightmare Dungeons Guide.

These dungeons can be extremely difficult, as you might expect, and they only permit a limited number of revives, but the rewards will be excellent if you are able to complete them. You will even be able to begin salvaging sigils, which will allow you to create dungeons that are even more difficult and will help you earn glyphs. 

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