Lilly Dancyger | First Love

First Love

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Lilly Dancyger always thought of her closest friendships as great loves, complex and profound as any romance. When her beloved cousin was murdered just as both girls were entering adulthood, Dancyger felt a new urgency in her devotion to the women in her life—a desire to hold her friends close while she still could. In First Love, this urgency runs through a striking exploration of the bonds between women, from the intensity of adolescent best friendship and fluid sexuality to mothering and chosen family.

Each essay in this incisive collectionis grounded in a close female friendship in Dancyger’s life, reaching outward to dissect cultural assumptions about identity and desire, and the many ways women create space for each other in a world that wants us to be small.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: The Dial Press

ISBN: 978-0593447574


Word Count: 72000 words

Length: 240 pages

Language: English

Release Date: May 7, 2024

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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