Silvia Moreno-Garcia | The Daughter of Doctor Moreau

The Daughter of Doctor Moreau

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From the New York Times bestselling author of Mexican Gothic and Velvet Was the Night comes a dreamy reimagining of The Island of Doctor Moreau set against the backdrop of nineteenth-century Mexico.

Carlota Moreau: a young woman, growing up in a distant and luxuriant estate, safe from the conflict and strife of the Yucatán peninsula. The only daughter of either a genius, or a madman.

Montgomery Laughton: a melancholic overseer with a tragic past and a propensity for alcohol. An outcast who assists Dr. Moreau with his scientific experiments, which are financed by the Lizaldes, owners of magnificent haciendas and plentiful coffers.

The hybrids: the fruits of the Doctor’s labor, destined to blindly obey their creator and remain in the shadows. A motley group of part human, part animal monstrosities.

All of them living in a perfectly balanced and static world, which is jolted by the abrupt arrival of Eduardo Lizalde, the charming and careless son of Doctor Moreau’s patron, who will unwittingly begin a dangerous chain reaction.

For Moreau keeps secrets, Carlota has questions, and in the sweltering heat of the jungle, passions may ignite.

Historical fiction

Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Del Rey

ISBN: ‎978-0593613559


Word Count: 150000 words

Length: 500 pages

Language: English

Release Date: July 19, 2022

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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January 19, 2023
Character Development

Another magical historical Mexican mystery from Silvia Moreno-Garcia! This time it’s the secluded Yucatán Peninsula in the 1870s, a backdrop of warring factions, British colonialism and isolated haciendas in the jungle with a fairly mad scientist, his majordomo, and his daughter finally being visited by curious and imperious outsiders.

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