Crystal Hana Kim | The Stone Home

The Stone Home

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In South Korea in the 1980s, young Eunju and her mother are homeless on the street. After being captured by the police, they’re sent to live within the walls of a state-sanctioned reformatory center that claims to rehabilitate the nation’s citizens but hides a darker, more violent reality. While Eunju and her mother form a tight-knit community with the other women in the kitchen, two teenage brothers, Sangchul and Youngchul, are compelled to labor in the workshops and make increasingly desperate decisions—and all are forced down a path of survival, the repercussions of which will echo for decades to come.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: William Morrow

ISBN: 978-0063310971


Word Count: 91200 words

Length: 304 pages

Language: English

Release Date: April 2, 2024

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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