Katherine Mader | Inside the Robe

Inside the Robe

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Have you ever wondered what a judge is really thinking? To most people, judges are mysterious creatures. Judge Mader shines a bright spotlight on the hidden folds of the judging world. The old saying is that judges merely "follow the law." Yet following the law can produce wildly different results depending upon each judge's background, politics, and life experiences. Even the floor of the courthouse to which a case is assigned can mean the difference between prison and freedom.From her perch behind the bench, Judge Mader witnesses a parade of drug addicts, gang members, mentally ill defendants, pricey private attorneys, jaded prosecutors, and true-believer public defenders. Never before has the judging world been laid bare for all to see."This book literally held me hostage until the last page." --author Michael Connelly


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: ‎Independently published

ISBN: ‎9798591018566


Word Count: 117300 words

Length: 391 pages

Language: English

Release Date: January 5, 2021

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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November 27, 2021
Character Development

As an attorney in the criminal justice system for 40 years, I've read many books and seen countless movies purporting to depict what judges do and how they think. Thank God I didn't give up in frustration, because "Inside the Robe" literally captures on a daily basis what it's like to sit on the bench in a criminal trial court.

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