Mazey Eddings | The Plus One

The Plus One

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Some facts are indisputable. The sun rises in the east, sets in the west. Gravity exists. Indira doesn’t like Jude. Jude doesn’t like Indira. But what happens when these childhood enemies find the only thing they can rely on is each other?

On paper, Indira has everything together. An amazing job, a boyfriend, and a car. What more could a late twenty-something ask for? But when she walks in on her boyfriend in an amorous embrace with a stranger, that perfect on paper image goes up in flames.

Jude has nothing together. A doctor that’s spent the last three years traveling the world to treat emergencies and humanitarian crises, a quick trip home for his best friend’s wedding has him struggling to readjust.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin

ISBN: 978-1250847041

ASIN: B09Y45P45Z

Word Count: 94200 words

Length: 314 pages

Language: English

Release Date: April 4, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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