Rebecca Schaeffer | Cage of Dreams

Cage of Dreams

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Nineteen-year-old Ness used to have a vehement terror of Nightmares—people who’d been turned into their worst fears while they slept. Through two assassination attempts, an explosion, and a faustian bargain with a dream demon, she’s finally working through those fears.

Unfortunately, Nightmares aren’t the only dangerous thing in Newham. Working at a speakeasy where gunfights are common and death is a regular occurrence, Ness is forced to reckon with all her other fears—including her fear of mortality. It’s easy to die in Newham, but it’s hard to live.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Clarion Books

ISBN: 978-0358645542


Word Count: 108600 words

Length: 362 pages

Language: English

Release Date: September 26, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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