Heather Morris | Sisters under the Rising Sun

Sisters under the Rising Sun

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In the midst of World War II, an English musician, Norah Chambers, places her eight-year-old daughter Sally on a ship leaving Singapore, desperate to keep her safe from the Japanese army as they move down through the Pacific. Norah remains to care for her husband and elderly parents, knowing she may never see her child again.

Sister Nesta James, a Welsh Australian nurse, has enlisted to tend to Allied troops. But as Singapore falls to the Japanese she joins the terrified cargo of people, including the heartbroken Norah, crammed aboard the Vyner Brooke merchant ship. Only two days later, they are bombarded from the air off the coast of Indonesia, and in a matter of hours, the Vyner Brooke lies broken on the seabed.

Historical fiction

Additional Information about the book

Publisher: St. Martin's Press

ISBN: 978-1250320551


Word Count: 115500 words

Length: 385 pages

Language: English

Release Date: October 24, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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