Lavanya Lakshminarayan | The Ten Percent Thief

The Ten Percent Thief

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Welcome to Apex City, formerly Bangalore, where everything is decided by the mathematically perfect Bell Curve.

With the right image, values and opinions, you can ascend to the glittering heights of the Twenty Percent – the Virtual elite – and have the world at your feet. Otherwise you risk falling to the precarious Ten Percent, and deportation to the ranks of the Analogs, with no access to electricity, running water or even humanity.

The system has no flaws. Until the elusive “Ten Percent Thief” steals a single jacaranda seed from the Virtual city and plants a revolution in the barren soil of the Analog world.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Rebellion Publishing Ltd.

ISBN: 978-1786188533


Word Count: 98400 words

Length: 328 pages

Language: English

Release Date: March 28, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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