Etaf Rum | Evil Eye

Evil Eye

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After Yara is placed on probation at work for fighting with a racist coworker, her Palestinian mother claims the provocation and all that’s come after were the result of a family curse. While Yara doesn’t believe in old superstitions, she finds herself unpacking her strict, often volatile childhood growing up in Brooklyn, looking for clues as to why she feels so unfulfilled in a life her mother could only dream of. Etaf Rum’s follow-up to her 2019 debut, A Woman Is No Man, is a complicated mother-daughter drama that looks at the lasting effects of intergenerational trauma and what it takes to break the cycle of abuse.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Harper

ISBN: 978-0062987907

ASIN: B09J5397QF

Word Count: 105600 words

Length: 352 pages

Language: English

Release Date: September 5, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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