Borin Van Loon, Jane Hope | Introducing Buddha

Introducing Buddha

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Meditation, Karma, Zen, Tantric and Nirvana are some of the many Buddhist ideas Westerners hear of frequently, even if their meaning has been lost in translation. This vast and complex non-theistic religion is woven into the fabric of Asian civilisations. from India to the Himalayan regions, China, Vietnam, Korea, Japan and elsewhere. What is Buddhism really all about? Introducing Buddha describes the life and teachings of the Buddha, but it also shows that enlightenment is a matter of experiencing the truth individually, and by inspiration which is passed from teacher to student. Superbly illustrated by Borin Van Loon, the book illuminates this process through a rich legacy of stories, explains the practices of meditation, Taoism and Zen, and goes on to describe the role of Buddhism in modern Asia and its growing influence on Western thought.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Icon Books

ISBN: ‎9781848310117


Word Count: 52800 words

Length: 176 pages

Language: English

Release Date: September 4, 2008

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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November 17, 2021
Character Development

I love these books. They are absolutely great for helping you get your head around complex ideasand issues. Excellent if you just want basic background of a topic. They are also really really good for visual learners. I recommend this to anyone with a new interest in buddhism.

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