Kirthana Ramisetti | Advika and the Hollywood Wives

Advika and the Hollywood Wives

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At age 26, Advika Srinivasan considers herself a failed screenwriter. To pay the bills and keep her mind off of the recent death of her twin sister, she’s taken to bartending A-list events, including the 2015 Governors Ball, the official afterparty of the Oscars. There, in a cinematic dream come true, she meets the legendary Julian Zelding—a film producer as handsome as Paul Newman and ten times as powerful—fresh off his fifth best picture win. Despite their 41-year age difference, Advika falls helplessly under his spell, and their evening flirtation ignites into a whirlwind courtship and elopement.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing

ISBN: 978-1538709283


Word Count: 115500 words

Length: 385 pages

Language: English

Release Date: April 11, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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