Megan Giddings | The Women Could Fly

The Women Could Fly

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Josephine Thomas has heard every conceivable theory about her mother's disappearance. That she was kidnapped. Murdered. That she took on a new identity to start a new family. That she was a witch. This is the most worrying charge because in a world where witches are real, peculiar behavior raises suspicions and a woman--especially a Black woman--can find herself on trial for witchcraft.

But fourteen years have passed since her mother's disappearance, and now Jo is finally ready to let go of the past. Yet her future is in doubt. The State mandates that all women marry by the age of 30--or enroll in a registry that allows them to be monitored, effectively forfeiting their autonomy. At 28, Jo is ambivalent about marriage. With her ability to control her life on the line, she feels as if she has her never understood her mother more. When she's offered the opportunity to honor one last request from her mother's will, Jo leaves her regular life to feel connected to her one last time.

In this powerful and timely novel, Megan Giddings explores the limits women face--and the powers they have to transgress and transcend them.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Amistad

ISBN: ‎978-0063116993


Word Count: 86400 words

Length: 288 pages

Language: English

Release Date: August 9, 2022

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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January 19, 2023
Character Development

The next time someone asks me what 📚 everyone should read, I will be saying The Women Could Fly: A Novel by Megan Giddings. It is an allegory and original and forces the reader to look at society and not look away or put on headphones. I cannot say enough about how much I love this book.

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