Alejandro Varela | The People Who Report More Stress

The People Who Report More Stress

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The People Who Report More Stress is a collection of interconnected stories brimming with the anxieties of people who retreat into themselves while living in the margins, acutely aware of the stresses that modern life takes upon the body and the body politic.

In “Midtown-West Side Story,” Álvaro, a restaurant worker struggling to support his family, begins selling high-end designer clothes to his co-workers, friends, neighbors, and the restaurant’s regulars in preparation for a move to the suburbs.

“The Man in 512” tracks Manny, the childcare worker for a Swedish family, as he observes the comings and goings of an affluent co-op building, all the while teaching the children Spanish through Selena’s music catalog.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Astra House

ISBN: 978-1662601071


Word Count: 76800 words

Length: 256 pages

Language: English

Release Date: April 4, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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