Mur Lafferty | Chaos Terminal

Chaos Terminal

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Mallory Viridian would rather not be an amateur detective, thank you very much. But no matter what she does, people persist in dying around her—and only she seems to be able to solve the crime. After fleeing to an alien space station in hopes that the lack of humans would stop the murders, a serial killer had the nerve to follow her to Station Eternity. (Mallory deduced who the true culprit was that time, too.)

Now the law enforcement agent who hounded Mallory on Earth has come to Station Eternity, along with her teenage crush and his sister, Mallory’s best friend from high school. Mallory doesn’t believe in coincidences, and so she’s not at all surprised when someone in the latest shuttle from Earth is murdered. It’s the story of her life, after all.

Science fiction

Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Ace

ISBN: 978-0593098134


Word Count: 144000 words

Length: 380 pages

Language: English

Release Date: November 7, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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