Josh Winning | Burn the Negative

Burn the Negative

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Arriving in L.A. to visit the set of a new streaming horror series, journalist Laura Warren witnesses a man jumping from a bridge, landing right behind her car. Here we go, she thinks. It’s started. Because the series she’s reporting on is a remake of a ’90s horror flick. A cursed ’90s horror flick, which she starred in as a child—and has been running from her whole life.

In The Guesthouse, Laura played the little girl with the terrifying gift to tell people how the Needle Man would kill them. When eight of the cast and crew died in ways that eerily mirrored the movie’s on-screen deaths, the film became a cult classic—and ruined her life. Leaving it behind, Laura changed her name and her accent, dyed her hair, and moved across the Atlantic. But some scripts don’t want to stay buried.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons

ISBN: 978-0593544662


Word Count: 110400 words

Length: 368 pages

Language: English

Release Date: July 11, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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