PVC pipe fittings come in different forms. PVC fittings are also known as connectors. http://www.oneplusplastic.com/pvc-fitting/
PVC pipe fittings come in different forms. PVC fittings are also known as connectors. http://www.oneplusplastic.com/pvc-fitting/
Air Conditioner Moulds come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but they all operate on the same basic premise.http://www.meike-mould.com/home-appliance-mold/air-conditioner-mould/
Ratchet cargo straps can tie down a load by securing it to the floor of a flatbed truck.http://www.herunsling.com/cargo-straps/
Awning windows have the sash attached across the top and open up and out like an awning. http://www.broadfacade.com/awning-window/