I just reviewed Soundings by ‎978-1982171797

Scribner In this striking blend of nature writing, whale science, and memoir, Doreen Cunningham interweaves two stories: tracking the extraordinary northward migration of the grey whales wi


August 29, 2022
Character Development

My wife read this book and she says: "Soundings was a very easy and gratifying read. This was one of my favourite books of the last few years, weaving seamlessly Doreen's personal story with factual information about climate change and ecology. The author has a beautiful, lyrical turn of phrase that remains light and fluid, an exquisite skill in building vivid pictures, and a raw honesty that makes you feel compassion for the characters and ultimately, for our tragic human experience. And yet somehow, the book also makes you feel optimistic about the future. Quite an achievement."

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