I just reviewed The Liar by ‎978-1541700796

PublicAffairs In the mid-1970s, the CIA and KGB were both watching Karel Koecher closely—and they were both convinced he was working for the enemy. They were both right. Traveling with his wif


January 21, 2023
Character Development

A fast, fun read that explores the spy game using meticulous research. I am new to non-fictional spy books so the insights into the spy game and the powers behind it were revealing. Cunningham’s main subjects are colorful and fascinating, which keeps the reader engaged as the tedious and oftentimes ineffectual job of a spy is depicted. This book will more than likely change your perspective on the spy business as well as the motivations of the US during the Cold War. It may be unsettling in parts, but it will give you pause. Highly recommended.

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