TJ Alexander | Triple Sec

Triple Sec

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As a bartender at Terror & Virtue, a swanky New York City cocktail lounge known for its romantic atmosphere and Insta-worthy drinks, Mel has witnessed plenty of disastrous dates. That, coupled with her own romantic life being in shambles, has Mel convinced love doesn’t exist.

Everything changes when Bebe walks into the bar. She’s beautiful, funny, knows her whiskeys—and is happily married to her partner, Kade. Mel’s resigned to forget the whole thing, but Bebe makes her a unique offer: since she and Kade have an open marriage, she’s interested in taking Mel on a date.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Atria/Emily Bestler Books

ISBN: 978-1668021989


Word Count: 96000 words

Length: 320 pages

Language: English

Release Date: June 4, 2024

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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