Sara Herchenroether | The Night Flowers

The Night Flowers

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In 1983, deep in New Mexico’s Gila National Forest, the bodies of a young woman and two children were found. Who were they? How did they get there?

Thirty years later, two women find themselves drawn to the cold case. Librarian Laura MacDonald begins her own investigation as a way to distract herself from breast cancer treatments and becomes consumed by her search for answers. Jean Martinez is a veteran detective determined to keep working cold cases for the Sierra County police force even as her family begs her to retire. With only fragments from dusty case files and a witness who doesn’t want to remember, this unlikely duo is determined—no matter the cost—to uncover the truth behind the murders. And with their help, the woman in the woods is finally able to tell her story on her own terms and summon the power to be found.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Tin House Books

ISBN: 978-1953534866


Word Count: 98400 words

Length: 328 pages

Language: English

Release Date: May 2, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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