John Banville | The Singularities

The Singularities

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A man with a borrowed name steps from a flashy red sports car—also borrowed—onto the estate of his youth. But all is not as it seems. There is a new family living in the drafty old house: the Godleys, descendants of the late, world-famous scientist Adam Godley, whose theory of existence threw the universe into chaos. And this mystery man, who has just completed a prison sentence, feels as if time has stopped, or was torn, or was opened in new and strange ways. He must now vie with the idiosyncratic Godley family, with their harried housekeeper who becomes his landlady, with the recently commissioned biographer of Godley Sr., and with a wealthy and beautiful woman from his past who comes bearing an unusual request.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Knopf

ISBN: 978-0525655176


Word Count: 96300 words

Length: 321 pages

Language: English

Release Date: October 25, 2022

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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April 6, 2023
Character Development

There are many theories on the whys of the universe. Why me, why them, why not someone else, a lot of whys that never really get answered. Some say things happen because of entropy, others chaos. Maybe fate, or maybe it is all just atoms being atoms. There are as many theories as there are possible realities. One such reality is at the heart of The Singularities, by Booker Prize- winning author John Banville, a story about a man trying to capture the life he had in a new reality he doesn't want to understand.

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