Ruby Hamad | White Tears/Brown Scars

White Tears/Brown Scars

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Taking us from the slave era, when white women fought in court to keep their slaves, through the centuries of colonialism, when they offered a soft face for brutal tactics, to the modern workplace, White Tears/Brown Scars tells a charged story of white women’s active participation in campaigns of oppression. It offers a long overdue validation of the experiences of women of color. Discussing subjects as varied as The Hunger Games, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the viral "BBQ Becky" video, and 19th century lynchings of Mexicans in the American Southwest, Ruby Hamad undertakes a new investigation of gender and race. She shows how the division between innocent white women and racialized, sexualized women of color was created, and why this division is crucial to confront. Along the way are revelatory responses to questions such as: Why are white men not troubled by sexual assault of women? With rigor and precision, Hamad builds a powerful argument about the legacy of white superiority we are socialized in, a reality we must apprehend in order to fight.

Feminist Theory

Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Catapult

ISBN: ‎9781948226745


Word Count: 91200 words

Length: 304 pages

Language: English

Release Date: October 6, 2020

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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September 7, 2021
Character Development

I firmly believe that your worldview is only as broad as your lived experiences, unless -- & this part is key! -- you are open to learning from others' lived experiences without the preconceived notion that yours is inherently better because it's, well, yours.

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