Ada Calhoun | Why We Can't Sleep

Why We Can't Sleep

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When Ada Calhoun found herself in the throes of a midlife crisis, she thought that she had no right to complain. She was married with children and a good career. So why did she feel miserable? And why did it seem that other Generation X women were miserable, too? Calhoun decided to find some answers. She looked into housing costs, HR trends, credit card debt averages, and divorce data. At every turn, she saw a pattern: sandwiched between the Boomers and the Millennials, Gen X women were facing new problems as they entered middle age, problems that were being largely overlooked. Speaking with women across America about their experiences as the generation raised to “have it all,” Calhoun found that most were exhausted, terrified about money, under-employed, and overwhelmed. Instead of being heard, they were told instead to lean in, take “me-time,” or make a chore chart to get their lives and homes in order.

Feminist Theory

Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Grove Press UK

ISBN: ‎9781611854664


Word Count: 91500 words

Length: 305 pages

Language: English

Release Date: January 21, 2021

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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September 6, 2021
Character Development

I have never felt like I “belonged” to GenX, even though my birth year says I do. But this book helped me to see myself in light of the cultural atmosphere into which I was born and raised. I never knew how *normal* my experience of my life is/has been—particularly as I have entered my 40s.

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