Susie Dumond | Queerly Beloved

Queerly Beloved

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A people-pleasing baker tries to find her place as a bridesmaid-for-hire . Will she finally find her happily ever after—and her own voice?

Amy, a semicloseted queer baker and bartender in mid-2010s Oklahoma, has spent a lifetime putting other people’s needs before her own. Until, that is, she’s fired from her job at a Christian bakery and turns her a one-off gig subbing in for a bridesmaid into a full-time business—thanks to her baking talents, crafting skills, and years watching rom-coms and Say Yes to the Dress. Between her new gig and meeting Charley, the attractive engineer who’s just moved to Tulsa, suddenly Amy’s found something— and someone—she actually wants.

Her tight-knit group of chosen family is thrilled that Amy is becoming her authentic self. But when her deep desire to please kicks into overdrive, Amy’s precarious balancing act strains her relationships to the breaking point, and she must decide what it looks like to be true to herself—and if she has the courage to try.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: The Dial Press

ISBN: ‎978-0593243978


Word Count: 115800 words

Length: 386 pages

Language: English

Release Date: May 3, 2022

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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June 14, 2022
Character Development

I loved this book. I felt that the author did a very good of describing how conflicting it can be to be partially in the closet in a super conservative location.

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