Audrey Magee | The Colony

The Colony

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It is the summer of 1979. An English painter travels to a small island off the west coast of Ireland. Mr. Lloyd takes the last leg by currach, though boats with engines are available and he doesn’t much like the sea. He wants the authentic experience, to be changed by this place, to let its quiet and light fill him, give him room to create. He doesn’t know that a Frenchman follows close behind. Jean-Pierre Masson has visited the island for many years, studying the language of those who make it their home. He is fiercely protective of their isolation, deems it essential to exploring his theories of language preservation and identity.

But the people who live on this rock—three miles long and half a mile wide—have their own views on what is being recorded, what is being taken, and what ought to be given in return. Over the summer, each of them—from great-grandmother Bean Uí Fhloinn, to widowed Mairéad, to fifteen-year-old James, who is determined to avoid the life of a fisherman—will wrestle with their values and desires. Meanwhile, all over Ireland, violence is erupting. And there is blame enough to go around.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux

ISBN: 978-0374606527


Word Count: 113700 words

Length: 379 pages

Language: English

Release Date: May 17, 2022

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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April 6, 2023
Character Development

Excellent. I loved so many things about this book-so many levels to it and it really makes me think about colonization and the present nature of it, too. Just stunning. I’m going to now go and read the first one she wrote. I just saw that in her profile. 

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