Lauren Markham | A Map of Future Ruins

A Map of Future Ruins

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When and how did migration become a crime? Why does ancient Greece remain so important to the West’s idea of itself? How does nostalgia fuel the exclusion and demonization of migrants today? In 2021, Lauren Markham went to Greece, in search of her own Greek heritage and to cover the aftermath of a fire that burned down the largest refugee camp in Europe. Almost no one had wanted the camp—not activists, not the country’s growing neo-fascist movement, not even the government. But almost immediately, on scant evidence, six young Afghan refugees were arrested for the crime.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Riverhead Books

ISBN: 978-0593545577


Word Count: 78900 words

Length: 263 pages

Language: English

Release Date: February 13, 2024

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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