M. Evelina Galang | When the Hibiscus Falls

When the Hibiscus Falls

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Moving from small Philippine villages of the past to the hurricane-beaten coast of near-future Florida, When the Hibiscus Falls examines the triumphs and sorrows that connect generations of women. Daughters, sisters, mothers, aunties, cousins, and lolas commune with their ancestors and their descendants, mourning what is lost when an older generation dies, celebrating what is gained when we safeguard their legacy for those who come after us. Featuring figures familiar from M. Evelina Galang’s other acclaimed and richly imagined novels and stories, When the Hibiscus Falls dwells within the complexity of family, community, and Filipino American identity. Each story is an offering, a bloom that unfurls its petals and holds space in the sun.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Coffee House Press

ISBN: 978-1566896795


Word Count: 71700 words

Length: 239 pages

Language: English

Release Date: June 13, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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