Cynthia Pelayo | The Shoemaker's Magician

The Shoemaker's Magician

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Paloma has been watching the Grand Vespertilio Show her entire life. Grand, America’s most beloved horror host showcases classic, low-budget and cult horror movies with a flourish, wearing his black tuxedo and hat, but Paloma has noticed something strange about Grand, stranger than his dark make-up and Gothic television set.

After Paloma’s husband, a homicide detective, discovers an obscure movie poster pinned on a mutilated corpse on stage at the Chicago Theater, she knows that the only person that can help solve this mystery is Grand. When another body appears at an abandoned historic movie palace the deaths prove to be connected to a silent film, lost to the ages, but somehow at the center of countless tragedies in Chicago.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Agora Books

ISBN: 978-1957957104


Word Count: 90900 words

Length: 303 pages

Language: English

Release Date: March 21, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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