Dr. Nate Zinsser | The Confident Mind

The Confident Mind

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Dr. Nate Zinsser has spent his career training the minds of the U.S. Military Academy's cadets as they prepare to lead and perform when the stakes are the very highest--on the battlefield. Alongside this work, he has coached world-class athletes including a Super Bowl MVP, numerous Olympic medalists, professional ballerinas, NHL All-Stars, and college All-Americans, teaching them to overcome pressure and succeed on the biggest stages.

Dr. Zinsser has come to understand that one single trait above all others makes peak performance possible: confidence, or the belief in oneself. Whether your mission involves leading a platoon into combat, returning an opponent's serve, or delivering a sales pitch to a roomful of skeptical prospects, you perform best when you are so certain about your abilities that your flow of fear, doubts, and confusion slows to the barest minimum. What's more, Dr. Zinsser has come to understand that confidence is a skill that can be taught, improved, and applied by anyone to enhance nearly every aspect of our lives and careers.

Now, for the first time, Dr. Zinsser distills his research and years of experience, offering a fascinating guide to the science of confidence and providing readers with a practical, step-by-step program to best harness their belief in themselves to achieve success in any field. The Confident Mind is a complete guide to confidence: how to understand it, how to build it, how to protect it, and how to rely upon it when your performance matters most.

Sports and leisure

Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Custom House

ISBN: ‎978-0063014831


Word Count: 105300 words

Length: 351 pages

Language: English

Release Date: January 25, 2022

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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June 30, 2022
Character Development

An outstanding guide for gaining, keeping, and deploying self-confidence. Dr. Zinsser mixes psychology, physiology, and vivid examples to paint a picture of unshakable confidence and how to utilize confidence in all aspects of our lives. It’s not a recipe for instant success nor is it a self-help doctrine. It is a guide for weaponizing what is best in you and protecting yourself from your own self-doubt.

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