Lisa-Jo Baker | It Wasn't Roaring, It Was Weeping

It Wasn't Roaring, It Was Weeping

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Lisa-Jo Baker knows how burdened we can feel by the weight of the past. Born white in the heart of Zululand during the height of apartheid, her longing to write a new future for her children set her on a journey to understand how she fit into a story of violence and faith, history and race. Before marriage and motherhood, she came to the United States to study to become a human rights advocate. When she naively walked right into America's own turbulent racial landscape, she experienced the kind of painful awakening that is both individual and universal, personal and communal. Yet years would go by before she traced this American trauma back to her own South African past.

Self help

Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Convergent Books

ISBN: 978-0525652861


Word Count: 81000 words

Length: 270 pages

Language: English

Release Date: May 7, 2024

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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