Lisa Jackson | The Last Sinner

The Last Sinner

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There are killers so savage, so twisted, that they leave a mark not just on their victims, but on everyone who crosses their path. For Detectives Bentz and Montoya, Father John, a fake priest who used the sharpened beads of a rosary to strangle prostitutes, is one such monster.

Bentz thought he’d ended that horror years ago when he killed Father John deep in the swamp. But now there are chilling signs he may have been wrong. A new victim has surfaced, her ruined body staged in deliberate, unmistakable detail. Either it’s a terrifying copycat, or Father John, the detective’s own recurring nightmare, has come back to haunt New Orleans.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Zebra Books

ISBN: 978-1496739056


Word Count: 117000 words

Length: 390 pages

Language: English

Release Date: June 27, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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