Volga | The Liberation of Sita

The Liberation of Sita

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Valmiki's Ramayana is the story of Rama's exile and return to Ayodhya, of a triumphant king who will always do right by his subjects. In Volga's retelling, it is Sita who, after being abandoned by Purushottam Rama, embarks on an arduous journey towards self-realization. Along the way, she meets extraordinary women who have broken free from all that held them back: husbands, sons, and their notions of desire, beauty and chastity. The minor women characters of the epic as we know it -- Surpanakha, Renuka, Urmila and Ahalya -- steer Sita towards an unexpected resolution. Meanwhile, Rama too must reconsider and weigh his roles as the king of Ayodhya and as a man deeply in love with his wife. A powerful subversion of India's most popular tale of morality, choice and sacrifice, The Liberation of Sita opens up new spaces within the old discourse, enabling women to review their lives and experiences afresh. This is Volga at her feminist best.

Contemporary Fiction
Religion and Spirituality

Additional Information about the book

Publisher: HarperPerennial

ISBN: ‎9789352775019


Word Count: 38400 words

Length: 128 pages

Language: English

Release Date: March 5, 2018

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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December 7, 2021
Character Development

I wonder why a book about women and their lives, written by women are termed "feminist", aren't they just as important as the others? Is patriarchy so deep that the other Equal-half needs a special term or identity or a tag. Nevermind, these were my thoughts after reading this wonder.

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