John Grisham | The Partner

The Partner

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They watched Danilo Silva for days before they finally grabbed him. He was living alone, a quiet life on a shady street in Brazil; a simple life in a modest home, certainly not one of luxury. Certainly no evidence of the fortune they thought he had stolen. He was much thinner and his face had been altered. He spoke a different language, and spoke it very well. But Danilo had a past with many chapters. Four years earlier he had been Patrick Lanigan, a young partner in a prominent Biloxi law firm. He had a pretty wife, a new daughter, and a bright future. Then one cold winter night Patrick was trapped in a burning car and died a horrible death. When he was buried his casket held nothing more than his ashes. From a short distance away, Patrick watched his own burial. Then he fled. Six weeks later, a fortune was stolen from his ex-law firm's offshore account. And Patrick fled some more.


Additional Information about the book

ISBN: 9780385339100

Language: English

Release Date: April 26, 2005

Available as: Ebook

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March 18, 2021
Character Development

Fabulous suspense story by John Grisham. THE PARTNER evoked emotion. This book had standard tropes delivered with a smooth writing style. This was a great example of the genre.

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