Piper J. Drake | Wings Once Cursed & Bound

Wings Once Cursed & Bound

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Peeraphan Rahttana lives her life in Seattle, unaware of the complicated magical world spinning just beyond the shadows and mist…until a violent clash outside her dance rehearsal has her literally whisked off her feet. Her darkly brooding rescuer, vampire Bennett Andrews, claims to represent a secret organization dedicated to locating objects of myth and magic, tucking them safely away where they can do no harm—but he's too late to save Peeraphan from a deadly curse.

Yet Peeraphan isn't what she seems. Wings unbound, she's a Thai bird princess of legend...and while the curse won't kill her outright, it's only a matter of time. Determined, Bennett sweeps Peeraphan deeper into a supernatural world far beyond anything she ever imagined in a desperate bid to find a solution...and an explanation for the powers even she doesn't know how to define.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca

ISBN: 978-1492683865


Word Count: 91800 words

Length: 306 pages

Language: English

Release Date: April 11, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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